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Pain Management

You should always discuss any new aches and pains with your GP or Oncologist. There are many reasons why we may suffer pain from time to time and not all will be related to our cancer, but it's always good to listen to our bodies and seek advice as soon as possible. Our friends at Maggie's give further advice on how best to manage cancer related pain.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), include typical over the counter pain relief drugs, such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen.

NSAID's may produce direct toxin effects on the kidney, so anyone with Kidney Cancer should use these drugs sparingly and seek alternative treatments from your GP or Oncologist for any long term issues. Kidney function is one of the routine blood tests that is carried out pre-treatment, so hopefully any issues with the use of these drugs would be apparent, but keeping their use to a minimum, is the most sensible approach.


Aspirin can be a safer option when used in moderation, but again you should seek further advice for any long term pain issues.

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